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Ghost pipefishes are bony fishes and are related to the spinyfins, which include the species of lionfish known to us divers, through several evolutionary stages.
The family of ghost pipefish (Solenostomidae) consists of a single genus (Solenostomus), which is scientifically known and described as comprising only 5 to 6 species.
Ghost pipefish live a pelagic life. Pelagic means in open water and not near the bottom. This is only sought out for reproduction. There they usually live upside down, very well camouflaged between gorgonians, algae or seagrass.
Their food is zooplankton and the smallest bottom-dwelling invertebrates. Ghost pipefish live monogamously. For reproduction, the females form a breast pouch with their pelvic fins and carry the eggs until the young hatch.
Ghost pipefish grow to a size of 5 to 15 centimeters and are slender.
The coloration and skin outgrowths vary between the sexes as well as between adults and juveniles. This is also one reason why it is so difficult to clearly identify the species based solely on their appearance, size, colors and shape. To make matters worse, ghost pipefish are difficult to spot. It is therefore a highlight for every diver to see ghost pipefish and even more so to be able to photograph them. Below is a selection of them.

Solenostomus cyanopterus

From the name you might think this species lives in seagrass meadows.
I have never seen it there but always near the bottom over sandy or rocky ground at a depth of 5 to 12 meters. It is also known as the robust ghost pipefish.

Solenostomus leptosomus

Also known as the delicate ghost pipefish. Discovered in the seagrass meadow in the bay of Sahl Hasheesh at a depth of 4 meters. This in spring over a period of 2 months.

Solenostomus paradoxus

Also known as the ornamental ghost pipefish. And rightly so when you consider the beauty of this species. I found the ghost pipefish pictured here at a depth of 43 meters in a field of white whip corals. I did this several times in the same place over a period of 6 months.

Solenostomus paegnius

Discovered in the seagrass meadow in the bay of Sahl Hasheesh at a depth of 5 meters. This was in the fall and was faithful to its territory over a period of 3 months. The large one marked with the white ring is the adult and the small one with the yellow ring is a juvenile.

Photos: Johann Vifian
Sources: Coral Reef Guide and Red Sea Reef Guide / Wikipedia 

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